Rio Grande Valley (RGV) Sector Border Patrol agents arrested three gang members, including one with an extensive criminal record.
On March 12, Brownsville agents apprehended a Mexican migrant with an extensive criminal history to include evading arrest and aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. The migrant also was identified with the Paisa gang.
On March 10, McAllen agents apprehended a group of three individuals in Mission; one being a Mara-Salvatrucha (MS-13) gang member.
On March 9, Brownsville agents apprehended seven subjects near Brownsville. One subject was an 18th Street gang member.
RGV Sector leads the nation in gang member encounters this fiscal year with 181 of the 282 total. Gang encounters are up 3.5 percent over FY22TD and 352 percent over FY21TD. Additionally, RGV has apprehended 75 percent of the MS-13 gang members and 77 percent of the 18th Street gang members caught on the southwest border.
“The men and women of the Rio Grande Valley Sector are identifying and classifying these people through expanded interviews, advanced targeting, and working directly with personnel in the Northern Triangle countries who are critical in validating the criminal histories of these dangerous people,” said Chief Patrol Agent Gloria I. Chavez.
Border Patrol Agents remain vigilant in their mission of protecting the border, which includes identifying and keeping gang members, many with criminal records, out of communities and off our streets.
Border Patrol processed all subjects accordingly.